BLUNTAS (Pluchea Indica L.)

Beluntas (Pluchea indica L.)
The name of this plant is probably not so familiar. However, these plants do not actually form seasing name. If we look carefully, almost certainly the people would know him as the plants are often found in the yard, because it is often used as a hedge plant.
Beluntas leaves according to research results have antibacterial and antioxidant functions as well as potential for development as a food preservative and medicine.

Beluntas an upright shrubs, woody, much branched, with a height can reach two meters. Single leaf, rounded egg shape, pointed tip, downy, yellowish-green young leaves and old after a long pale green leaves and from 3.8 to 6.4 cm. Grows wild in the soil with high humidity; in several places in West Java, this plant is used as a hedge and the boundary between land on the estate.

Some areas in Indonesia beluntas name with a different name like baluntas (Madura), Luntas (Central Java), and Lamutasa (Napier).

Beluntas leaves are used traditionally as a remedy to eliminate body odor, hot off the drug, cough, and diarrhea. Beluntas leaf that has been boiled is very good for treating skin disease. Besides, it leaves beluntas also frequently consumed by the public as fresh vegetables.

Part of Plant Used & Utilization:
All parts of plants, either fresh or dried, can be used to treat some diseases as follows.

1. Digestive Disorders in Children
Wash 3-5 leaves beluntas, knead, mix with porridge or rice strain teams, stir, and eat. Perform each meal.
Alternatively, squeeze 10 leaves, add 1 tablespoon of honey, and mix well. Combine this mixture on the team or porridge rice strain to be given with each meal.

2. Eliminates Body Odor
Rinse leaves beluntas 10-15 and then eat as a salad. Perform routine 3 times a day.

3. Heat Reducer
Rinse 10 g of fresh leaves and boil beluntas or brewed as tea. Perform routine 1 cup a day. Can be used as a laxative herb sweat.

4. Arthritis and pain in joints
Boil 15 g roots beluntas with 3 water glass until remaining 1 glass. Strain and drink 2 times a day each ½ cup.

1 komentar:

Where can seeds for this plant be bought?

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