Jarong, the health secret ingredient

Jarong (Achyranthes aspera Linn.)

(Achyranthes aspera Linn.)


Centrostachys aspera, Standl. Cyathula geniculata, Lour. Desmochaeta repens, Llanos.

Terna 1 or 2 annual, erect, up to 1 m. Stem quadrangular, green or slightly pink, highly branched, single leaf, sitting opposite, stemmed, green color, oval shape to oblong elongate breech. Leaf length from 1.5 to 10 cm, both surfaces hairy leaves. Dull or faded leaf tip, leaf base narrow, flat or slightly wavy edge, bone pinnate leaves. Flowers grow at the end of the stalk / stem form between branching (such as rice stalks), green flowers, rounded grains of hard and sharp.

Local name:
Jarongan, jarong lalaki, leaves sangketan, nyarang (Java).; Sui in sui, sangko nose (Sulawesi),; Rai rai, dodinga (Maluku).; Dao cao kou (China).;
Curable Disease:
Fever, Heat, Malaria, enteritis, tonsillitis (Tonsilis), Inflammation of the lungs; Mumps, Rheumatic, Infections Kidney, menstrual pain,; Vomiting blood, blood urine, easy childbirth, urinary stones;

PART USED: Root, the entire plant.

1. Fever, malaria, enteritis.
2. Inflammation of the tonsils (tonsillitis), inflammation of the lungs (pneumonia), mumps.
3. Arthritis (rheumatic arthritis).
4. Urinary tract stones, swelling of the kidney infection.
5. Painful menstruation (dysmenorrhea), facilitate the delivery
    (Induction of labor).
6. Vomiting blood, blood urine (hematuria).

USAGE: 9 -15 grams dried or 30-60 grams of fresh, boiled, drinking.

EXTERNAL USE: crushed; paste to the sick or boiled water for washing. Used to cure wounds, snake bites / insect, abscess (carbuncle).

1. Mumps:
    Boil the roots jarong taste, drink, their roots are crushed to
    affixed to the sick.

2. Kidney stone:
    The whole plant 18-30 grams (fresh) or 12 to 24 grams
    (Dry), boiled, drinking before a meal, one day at a time.

3. Large abscess in the armpit (Carbuncle):
    60 grams of fresh plants (in total) plus water and wine
    enough, the team, drinking. The waste is crushed, stick to the
    the sick.

CAUTION: Pregnant women are prohibited from using these herbs.

CHEMICAL PROPERTIES AND EFFECTS pharmacological: slightly bitter taste, cool. Launched the blood (blood stimulant), peluruh menstruation, strengthen the liver and kidneys, strengthening muscles, tendons and bones, anti-inflammatory, anti-toxin, urine laxative, normalize menstruation, hemostatic, ease childbirth. CHEMISTRY CONTENT: Akirantin, glokosa, galactose, reilosa, ramnosa, alkaloids. Seeds: Hentriakontan, sapogenin. Root: Betaine, ecdysterone, triterpenoid saponins.

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