SPINACH THORNS (Amaranthus spinosus L.)

SPINACH THORNS (Amaranthus spinosus L.)
This spinach plants have thorns on the stems so that spines known as Spinach. Spinach spines usually grow wild in abandoned orchards, ditch / gutter, the sidewalk is in the lowlands.
The characteristics of spinach plants are:
1. Growing up, high range 30-100 cm.

2. Green or reddish stems, the base of the plain, the top a little hairy, branching stems and thorns.

3. Single leaf, where the criss-cross, the shape of elongated egg leaves round, sometimes flat edge beringgit, 1.5 -6 cm length, width 1-3 cm, and green.

 4. In the armpit there is a pair of leaf spines are easy to loose hardware.

5. Ball-shaped flowers in the armpits and ears shaped, whitish green color.

6. Oval fruit, green color.

7. Small round and black beans.

8. Grown from seed.
The nature and efficacy
Spinach root thorns sweet, bitter and cool, it makes the heart and kidney meridians.
Efficacious as:

Relief of fever (antipyretic)

Streamlining the urine (diuretic)

Streamlining your period

Thinning mucus (expectorant)

Antidote (antitoksik)

Relieves swelling (detumescent)

and blood cleanser.

Thorn spinach herb efficacious as blood purifier, facilitating breastfeeding (laktagoga), and diuretics.

Content of Chemical
Spinach contains amarantin thorns, routine, spinasterol, hentriakontan, tannins, potassium nitrate, calcium oxalate, phosphate salts, iron, and vitamins (A, C, K and pyridoxine = B6).

The types of diseases that could be solved with spinach roots of thorns:

1) dysentery, diarrhea;

2) Sore throat, toothache, fever;

3) Inflammation of the respiratory tract (bronchitis);

4) TB gland (skrofuloderma);

5) Discharge (leukorea), inflammation of the uterus;

6) Late menstruation;

7) Pee bit, gonorrhea, Gallstones.

The types of diseases that could be solved with herbs:

1) chest pain;

2) acute bronchitis;

3) Lack of blood (anemia) and

4) Get out a little milk.

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