SANDALWOOD (Santalum album L)

Sandalwood (Santalum album L)
Synonyms: Santalum verum L. Santalum myrtifolium Roxb. Sirium myrtifolium L

1. Taxonomy

Subdivisions: Angiospermae

Class: Dicotyledoneae

Order: Santales

Family: Santalaceae

Genus: Santalum

Species: Santalum album

2. Description

a. The local name
Candana (Minangkabau) Tindana, Sindana (Dayak); Candana (Sunda); Candana, Candani (Java); Candhana, Candhana lakek (Madura); Candana (BeIitung); Ai nitu; Fund (Sumbawa); Wood ata (FIores); Sundana (Sangir); Sondana (North Sulawesi); Ayu luhi (Gorontalo); Candana (Napier); Ai nituk (Bread); Hau married, Ai kamelin (East); Kamenir (Wetar); Maoni (range is)

b. Distribution / Dissemination
This plant of unknown origin, but probably derived from the perimeter in Indonesia Banda East Timor and Sumba, which is important islands. Spread the latter are to Bondowoso, Timor, Sulawesi, Maluku, and northern Australia. Sandalwood then introduced to other countries, like China, Sri Lanka, and Taiwan.

c. Characteristics
This plant is a tree height between 12 and 15 meters which is always green with a straight trunk and rounded without a groove. Stem covered with patches of rough, gray or dark brown. The wood is yellowish white and fragrant when dry (old). Oval or lancet-shaped leaves and oily, with a length of about 3.25 to 7.50 cm and easily fall. Petiole 1 to 1.5 cm, yellowish. Higher oil content found on the wooden porch, but lower levels santalolnya. Rapid flowering plants. The series of short interest (2-5 cm). The flowers are small, short-stemmed (2-3 mm), hermaphrodites, and shaped tubes that have four to five of the tongue that detached from each other. At first the white flowers turned brown and blood red .. At the age of 3-4 years, began to bear fruit. A round fruit with seed, the fruit of kepundung and black if it has been cooked.

Sandalwood is very suitable crop in the valve area cool and dry and light intensity is sufficient. Long dry season is very good influence on the formation of oil and aroma. Sandalwood seedlings are very sensitive to drought and direct sunlight, so it's easy to wilt. On land which contains humus, candana growth better than the barren and eroded the ground or in a place overgrown grass. From the analysis of several kinds of soil samples collected from different growing areas where sandalwood can be seen that:

a. In general, sandalwood can grow the rocky ground (approximately 30 cm).

b. Can grow and Galuh clay ground, but better ground Galuh (leemground).

c. Kirasan soil pH ranging from slightly below neutral to slightly alkaline.

d. Can grow at low nutrient levels to high levels (particularly levels of N, P2O5 and K2O).

e. Upper layer of soil should be loose with a specific gravity below 1.2 percent.

f. Soil color from red to brown; ground black or white sandalwood growth unfavorable.

Sandalwood is one of the plants that are hemiparasit. Associated with the roots of host roots via haustoria and nutrients from the host tree is tapped kebatang sandalwood. During the growing sandalwood oil production goes on at the root of the wooden porch. Sandalwood tree will grow steadily and will cease after the old trees 60-80 years or more. Tree height at that age can reach 60-65 ft. Time of flowering and fruiting trees are influenced by the region where sandalwood grows. In general, the flowering season from December to January and fruit ripe in March to July. Develop a sandalwood tree with the seeds, spread with the help of insects, rodents, and birds.

Sandalwood plants can be attacked by pests or diseases, such as ear disease or "spike disease" caused by a type mikroplasma which are often found in India, with signs of stunted growth and yellowing plants. Other diseases is reetdauw (sooty mold), in the form of black spots caused by sun that grows on the leaves. In addition to fungal, plant sandalwood are also damaged by insects and rodents. Insect that often attacks the sandal of which is similar ceffea Zeuzeura butterfly bored young twigs. Chionapsis sp and walang timber (Valanga nigricornis zehntneri Kraus) and snout beetles.

On the island of Timor, there are two kinds of plant varieties of sandalwood sandalwood-leaved varieties are small (no menutu, no ana) da broadleaf (nonaik). Each including varieties and langifolia longifolia. In one tree there are a variety of shapes and sizes of leaves.

3. Benefit
a. Wood:

Antiseptic-urinary tract.

-Dysentery, Ingredient:
Sandalwood Bark (2 grams), China Make sure the leaves (5 g), and a little water (100 ml)

Ways of making: Made infusion solutions.

How to use: Drink 2 times a day, morning and evening, every times drinks 100 ml.

Duration of treatment: Repeated during 14 days.

-Diarrhoea, Inflammatory bowel disease.
Ingredient: Sandalwood wood powder (2 teaspoons) and boiling water (100 ml)

Ways of making: brewed

How to use: Drink 2 times a day, morning and evening, every times drinks 100 ml.

Duration of treatment: Repeated during 14 days.

b. Leaves:


Remedy: Wood Sandalwood (powder) to taste the young leaves of the Cape a few strands

Ways of making: young Cape chopped leaves then dried. When dry add a little powdered Sandalwood, then made cigarettes.

How to use: smoked like a cigarette.

c. Bark / Skin root:

-Menstruation is not well
In addition to medication, Sandalwood can be used for cosmetic ingredients. Sandalwood oil is also used as a liniment (mixed with coconut oil). The oil is santalol. The wood (which is maintained until the age of 20-40 years) made jewelry, sculpture, fan, cigar boxes and other household items.

Wood: Essential oils, hars, and tannic substances. Oil: Santalol (seskuiterpenalkohol), santalen (sesquiterpene), Santen, santenon, santalal, santalon, and isovalerilaldehida.

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